
Kristeva will deliver keynote at 2014 Circle

The 2014 meeting of the Kristeva Circle will feature keynotes by Julia Kristeva and Tina Chanter. The conference is scheduled for March 27-30, 2014. Abstracts are due on October 15, 2013. Please circulate the CFP


Special Issue on Julia Kristeva

The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy invites submissions for a special issue on Julia Kristeva's recent writings. The CFP is available for download here.


Kristeva and Islam Query

Carol Bove (University of Pittsburgh) is interested in books and articles that explore Kristeva's relation to Islam and/or Kristeva's relation to Muslim women. If you have any citations that might be of assistance, feel free to send an email to Carol. She is also working on an article on Therese Mon Amour. Citations on the Therese book would also be welcomed.


Kristeva, Conference on Rafah Nashed

The American Psychological Association has published Kristeva's comments on the imprisonment of Syrian psychoanalyst Rafah Nashed. The first female psychoanalyst to practice in Syria, Nashed is also the founder of the Damascus School of Psychoanalysis. She was imprisoned for two months in the fall of 2011. Kristeva's comments can be found here


2012 Conference Program

The preliminary program for the inaugural conference is now available for download