Call for Papers: ICNAP 2023

May 30th – June 1st 2023 | Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics | University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Venue: City Campus, Øster Farigmagsgade 5a, 1353 Copenhagen K
Submission of abstracts and registration are now open for the Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists’ (ICNAP) conference on the phenomenology of affect. The conference is hosted by Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics (CPPA) at Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.
Affect has been a central theme of inquiry throughout the history of phenomenology. As the coloring of our experiences, it relates to aesthetics, ethics, psychopathology, social justice and many other areas of investigation. We call for abstracts on research concerning the various questions within the topic of phenomenology of affect.
Questions include, but are not limited to:
- What is affect?
- How does affectivity emerge?
- How does affectivity relate to the body?
- What is the role of affectivity in other dimensions of experience, such as perception, imagination, and judgement?
- How can the experience of affect be approached methodologically?
Confirmed speakers include Claire Petitmengin (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School & Husserl Archives École Normale Supérieure), Sara Heinämaa (University of Jyväskylä), and Susi Ferrarello (Cal State East Bay).
While we welcome submissions relating to the phenomenology of affect, we also welcome submissions on other topics within the scope of phenomenological scholarship and interdisciplinary phenomenology.
Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be sent to on February 1st 2023 at the latest. Please include name of author and title of the presentation. Information on acceptance of abstracts should be ready 1st of March 2023.
There will be a 1290 DKK registration fee for non-student participants and a 1000 DKK fee for students (bachelor, master, and PhD). The price includes conference dinner at a restaurant in Copenhagen. Sign up for the conference in the menu on the left on 15th of March 2023 at the latest. See more information here: