JFFP Special Issue on Julia Kristeva

The Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy has published a special issue on the recent work of Julia Kristeva. Check out the table of contents below! The issue is available open-access on the JFFP website here
Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy
Vol 21, No 1 (2013)
Table of Contents
Scott Davidson
Oklahoma City University
John Drabinski
Amherst College
Kris Sealey
Fairfield University
Stockholm: Going Beyond the Human through Dance (1-12)
Julia Kristeva
Kristeva’s Sadomasochistic Subject and the Sublimation of Violence (13-26)
Kelly Oliver
Julia Kristeva and the Politics of Life (27-42)
Sarah K. Hansen
Narrative Ethics and Vulnerability: Kristeva and Ricoeur on Interdependence
Elizabeth Purcell
On Kristeva's Fiction (60-82)
Benigno Trigo
Julia Kristeva's Voyage in the Thérèsian Continent: The Malady of Love and
the Enigma of an Incarnated, Shareable, Smiling Imaginary (83-104)
Maria Margaroni
Kristeva's Thérèse: Mysticism and Modernism (105-115)
Carol Mastrangelo Bové
Julia Kristeva’s The Severed Head (116-119)
Pleshette DeArmitt
Kenosis, Economy, Inscription (120-126)
Elaine Miller
Keeping it Intimate: A Meditation on the Power of Horror (127-131)
Sara Beardsworth
Hume's Correlationism: On Meillassoux, Necessity and Belief (132-160)
Paul O'Mahoney
Review Essays
Review Essay: Daniel W. Smith, Essays on Deleuze (161-172)
Kenneth Noe
Review Essay: Ann Murphy, Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary
Erinn Gilson
Review Essay: Suzanne Césaire, The Great Camouflage: Writings of Dissent
(1941-1945) (183-192)
Chike Jeffers
Book Review: Julia Kristeva, The Severed Head: Capital Visions (193-195)
Matthew R McLennan
Book Review: Tamsin Jones, A Genealogy of Marion's Philosophy of Religion:
Apparent Darkness (196-198)
N. N. Trakakis
Book Review: Benoît Peeters, Derrida: A Biography (199-204)
John Thomas Brittingham