Kristeva Circle at the APA

The Kristeva Circle will host a panel entitled "Julia Kristeva Today" at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association December 27-30, 2012. The panel will take place on Saturday December 29th 1:30-4:30 with papers from Rebecca Tuvel, Pleshette DeArmitt, and Noelle McAfee. If you are attending the Eastern APA, please join us!
GIX - 9. Society for the Philosophy of Creativity & Kristeva Circle
1:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Topic: Julia Kristeva Today
Chair: Sarah Hansen (Drexel University)
Speakers: Pleshette DeArmitt (University of Memphis)
"Kristeva’s Radical Revaluation of (Woman’s) Work"
Noëlle McAfee (Emory University)
“The Interiorization of Mortality: the Unconscious and Kristeva's Death Drive"
Rebecca Tuvel (Vanderbilt University)
"The Oedible Kristeva: Finding Resources for An Animal Ethics in Colette"